Book Review of How to make an American Quilt by Whitney Otto

I have seen the movie of this book, i do have to say the book is better. I love how each chapter has a section on quilting. I never realized what went into quilting. Its very much a labor of love. I also like how the author puts into detail how each character contributes to the quilting circle as well. Also showing their story with the Crazy Quilt. Each character is very well written and you can visualize them. You feel their emotions of betrayal, love, anger etc. Do yourself a favour and pick up this book.

Rating 5/5

Book Review of the Hagseed by Margaret Atwood

I saw this book in my local library the title made me very curious. Plus Margaret Atwood is a terrific writer! What i picked up on right away was the main theme of vengeance and you slowly see it dissolve when the play The Tempest is put on. I felt at first the felix (main character) was losing his mind with have his daughter around who passed away many years earlier. But as i got more into the book i realized what was happening(not going to spill the beans). It was a wonderful read! Margaret makes you think and you see it playing out in your head!


Remembrance Day

Today marks a somber time in our history. Today we remember all the men and women who gave their lives in the great world wars as well as all the wars there after.

I know there will veterans young and old going out to the ceremonies today. I myself will be heading to my local legion to partake in the ceremony there. While i stand there i will be thinking of my Great Uncle Aldy (yes that was his name) who fought in WW1. I never heard much about him before last year. I know it probably never came up since He is buried in france at Vimy Ridge.

I was in shock hearing i actually had a relative who fought in a world war then i wanted to know more. So my mom sat with me and showed me photos and explained to me. That he went over at to france to fight and ended up at vimy ridge. He was going up a hill (she thinks this detail is a little fuzzy) and was unfortunately was killed in action. I learned he was barely into his 20s when he passed away. And his family was given his helmet and his pistol which is still in our family (my grandmother has then).

I know that during both wars several young men and women died fighting just like my Uncle Aldy. So today please pay your respects to them and to veterans that made it home by having 2 minutes of silence at 11am your time.

Pregnancy Milestones

Well the last several weeks have been crazy! We found out what we were having at 20 weeks. So before I say what we are having I can say my husband was right. I never had a feeling or a guess even. So as I sat through my ultrasound waiting patentially to see what the tech would show me. As she showed me the scan baby let us see what it is. And we are having a……………..GIRL! I couldnt believe that my husband was right. I am excited for sure. I am thankful i was able to get clothes for free from a good friend of mine who has a little girl. I dont like pink myself and my friend had wonderful selection for me to pick from. There is some pink but her whole wardrobe is not pink! There is a good selection of colors and of course pooh bear.

So jump to the last few weeks this little girl has been doing lots of movement! It is amazing to see her kick and actually feel her kick as well. I dont know if she had hiccups since I cant tell the difference between kicks and hiccups yet. She does hate the doppler machine so she kicks me later hard.

I am thankful for my family specially my mom who has been answering all mt questions of over this and my best friends as well. This whole pregnancy has been crazy amd great.