Book Review of The Lost Girl by R.L. Stine

I read this book back in the day as young teen. And i loved it then and i love it know.

R.L. Stine knows how to keep the reader engaged in his books. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Guess and trying to figure out who Angel was. The author knows how to get into you to keep you guessing. Even when you almost figure it out, nope it takes a different turn.

I would recommend this book to anyone! Does not matter your age R.L. Stine will keep you on your toes.

Rating 5/5


I didn’t want to wake up I just felt the thumping in my skull again. I rubbed my temples i knew this headache was going to be bad but not this bad. I want to just close my eyes and not wake up again. I crawl out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. I look in the mirror, my skin is pale and the cheeks are sunken in. The dark circles are prominent then before. I need to cover these up before I go see my therapist again. I wish the therapy was going better and that i wouldn’t feel like I’m sinking further in the hole.

I cant keep the darkness back anymore I feel it creeping in more each day and the feeling that I let down my husband grows ever more. I know he does not think I have let him down but I cant help feel this way. He was so excited at the idea of being a father but hearing me tell him we lost the baby. Crushed him i saw it in his face, he did try to hide but he wasn’t very good at it. Those days seem to blend together in a endless cycle of pain and tears. Now he is talking of having another one and he knows I am scared of going through that again. But the feeling to end it all has grown more and more. I just want the pain to stop. Then maybe I can live a normal life but what it is normal really.

I quickly wash my face and put on some concealer to hide the circles under my eyes. As I walk into the kitchen to have some tea. As the kettle boils I am digging around for some tea that seems interesting today. I finally pick roobis tea it normally can calm my nerves with the taste. I feel it again like a dark shadow slowing wrapping its hands around my neck. The guilt and hurt is coming back in, i quickly pour my tea and I’m rushing quickly to ease it off! The first sip of tea warms my soul so quickly that it pushes the shadow away for know. I head out the door and get into the car and realize that I don’t want to go to my therapist. I always feel so small afterwards even though he is a good person and is trying to help me. I call and Jenna picks up I told i was feeling sick with the flu and that I would need to reschedule my appt for another day. She asked if I was sure since it wouldn’t be for another month. I agreed and asked for a email confirmation then I can write it down on my calendar. She agrees to send it to me and we have confirmed my next day. After I get off the phone, I just start driving and head towards north. As i drive around not really knowing where I am going I notice I am near crescent Falls. I am not really dressed for hiking but the falls are not far from the parking lot so I can walk there and just sit. After I park the car I walk down the trail and find a bench near the base of the falls. The falls have always been a special place for me, i walked here with John all the time and he proposed to me here. As the water comes down and I feel the mist hit my face. I suddenly feel streams of tears running down my face. The voice that come to me from the darkness says you can just end it here. John would be better off without me, he can find someone who can give him the family he so desperately wants. Who isn’t just getting by in life by fake smile and lying.

I get up slowly and I quickly look around to make sure no one is near to see me walk into the water. I quickly take off my shoes and leave them with my coffee cup. I walk towards the water and feel the coldness run up my legs from my toes. I get knee dip and i start wondering if this right But the darkness pulls me further in. I kept walking further and further into the water. It feels cold against my skin. I feel the mud and pebbles under my feet. I reach the spot and it is neck deep. I stand there watching the water flowing amd slowly the world stops making a sound. All i hear is the rawr of the falls in the ears. I start to go down into he water. It engulf me, i gasp as it enter my lungs and i see the the light over head and i think I saw a hand reaching down but its all black know.

Book Review of The Orphan Mother by Robert Hicks

The title grabbed my attention at my library while I was looking through the shelves for the next book

Right away the book pulls you in Mariah is such a fascinating character. You feel like you know some like her. How strong and fierce she is! The characters are so well written even i dare say dixon was well written.

And the town of Franklin you can see in your minds eye as well. You can sense it and smell it. You hear the horses, carts and the people moving back and forth.

You will cry at parts and other parts your heart stops. You feel angry and joy as well. This to me is a mark of a great story, you use all your senses with this book.

Rating: 5/5

Book Review of Sarah’s Key by Tatiana De Rosnay

This book was picked out for the this month for my book club. So I ordered this book through my local library. And once i got into my hot little hands i started reading it.

The author has done a excellent writing this book. You can picture all of locations she describes in the book. The characters are very well written also. I love how there is two different scripts for each storyline so its super easy to jump between the two.

Tatiana did a wonderful job going to detail of what happened during the round ups. I will say if you have a soft heart like i do. You will cry during this book for sure since you get pulled in right away.

Rating: 5/5

December 4, 2007

Dairy Dec 4, 2007

I now I have not written in a while but things have been strange since Halloween on my end. There is a boy at school who seems to be watching and seeming like he wants to talk to me but doesn’t have the courage to approach. His dark eye are like pools of liquid obsidian. he has a crooked smile that does seem sweet in a way. He also has rich auburn hair. I now his name is Sebastien and he is new to the area but other then that he is a complete mystery. He does seem familiar though I feel it down in my soul that I now him. Since he doesn’t want to come near I will forget about him, the only reason I don’t approach him since he sit with poplar group and they do tease me a lot and if possible they do push me around as well. So I now I cant approach him at all. It is safer for me to stay away from him then I don’t get hurt.

With it being Christmas eve mother and father are gone to another set of parties at this time of year and they leave me behind. At least they don’t have nannies with me anymore I couldn’t not stand being around them. They always suffocated me with games and treats. I like being alone then I can read and disappear into my fantasy land, and imagine that I am most beautiful and smart girl in the world with a score of suitors. I would also be out on my own and not having to keep in contact with my parents at all. I would be with the person I love. With my own family and I would treat my children a lot better then my parents have treated me. IN reality the the best I can do at the moment is go to a collage that is far away from here.

O dam I almost forgot! the dream came again last night but this time I was down in the ballroom! I wore a red velvet dress it felt so soft when I have touch it. My hair is falling in soft waves and I have read lipstick on ( I never wear lipstick in my real life) and the perfume is honey suckles. It dances around me in soft notes and lands soft on my skin. My parents in this world come up to me and give me a big hug and kiss. They are so happy that we are together. Someone is playing the piano and someone else starts to sing Joy to The World. We all start singing together and laughing. Then we all sit down for a wonderful soul feeding supper! I look around the table and I don’t seem to now anyone here besides my parents. But then out of the corner of my eye I see him! The dark eyes, the auburn hair and that crooked smile! Its Sebastien, he is sitting close to my father and they seem to discussing something very serious. I hide my surprise since that seem odd in this world. Once supper is down we all are ushered back into the ballroom for dancing and talking. I stick close the wall since I am not a goo dancer, I have to left feet and then some. While I was sitting and sipping on my cider watching the couples dance across the floor. Like to elegant figures on ice since they seem to glide across the floor with ease. Then he came up to me and asked me for a dance! I did blush very hard, and I set aside my cider and took his hand. As we started gliding across the floor, I woke up!

I couldn’t believe it I woke up again before I got to now more! I am starting to wonder where this dream is going to lead me. Who knows maybe I will find about how Sebastien in related to all of this. Since I cant piece it together at the moment.

But I will write more later the servant is calling me down to eat something for the 5th time and I better go.

Book Review of The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon

This book grabbed my attention right away with the title at my library! I was very curious about and thought why not ill read it and see what I think.

This book pulled in right away! The author did an amazing job describing the landscapes of the future and how the characters are. The idea that clairvoyant’s are unnatural was neat and the different level of gifts was amazing to. I really liked the character Paige! She was so feisty and held onto her believes and those she held dear!

There was many twists and turns with this book as well! And dang it the author left me wanting to now more! For me that is a sign of a great author! She knows how keep her readers involved in the story. Definitely check it out!

Rating: 5/5

October 30,2007

Diary Entry Oct 30, 2007

I had the dream again, but this time it was different then before. I was in a same room as my own but it was much nicer and more items in it then i do know. I had the feeling that the family was well off compared to my own. I can’t shake the feeling that I had lived this life before and that I was loved much more then I am know. I have no friends at school and people make fun of me being a book work and a nerd. This has followed me for as long as I can remember. It hurts being made fun of for something that I have a passion for . My parents are no help at all, they are adsorbed in their work at the hospital. They have never been round when I have gotten rewards for school. They say their happy with my grades and are proud of me. But I think this a lie since they never show they are happy for me. When I have brought up the bullying that is happening at school they tell me to get a thicker skin. I have hide my emotions when this has been said to me. Once I am in my room though I cry my eyes out wondering how the hell I got such shitty parents. I swear they never wanted to be parents in the first place and I was a mistake.

So I just keep working hard at school to get a scholarship to a decent collage across the country then I don’t need to see them anymore. I know I could have my parents pay my school fees but I don’t want to be in debt to them! I feel like that they would use that over my head to make my choice to which school I would go to! I wish I was born when my dream is occurring. I know its the 1950s by the night gown i am wearing. The noise i hear from the street that is outside of my window seems loud. I think its New York! As I am getting up and stretching out on the bed that is very comfy! My room smells like honey suckles. I have always loved that smell! It has brought a sense of comfort to me from when I was little. I go to my dressing table to brush out the tangle of curls, i was shocked when I looked in the mirror! I don’t look like myself in a way, I am thinner, my hair is curly and black. My hair is pin straight and a mousy brown which i have always hated! But my eye color stayed the same, which was emerald green. I can’t help but stare at myself in the mirror and touch my hair. I remember pinching myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. I never woke up after the pinch but i do have bruise forming on my arm cause of this.

I heard someone calling my name downstairs, as I leave the bedroom that is mine. I woke up! Ugh I am so frustrated I was going to see who was finally calling me and maybe this sense of foreboding will finally leave as will. I have tried to remember more of my dream to get better details cause then maybe I can figure out where this is occurring. I know it sounds silly and stupid ( my parents tell me that enough when I have brought this up). But I think its important for me to figure this out before I keep forgetting all the details. But for know I will keep recording what I see in this dream. Its all I got that keeps me from falling into despair. I will make another entry when this dream comes to me again. But that sense of foreboding from my dream stays with me, I cant help but wonder did something happen to me in this dream. Did I die by my hand or someone else’s? Or did someone I love die, was I connected to that death or did I deal the final blow? I have so many questions about this feeling and I have no one to talk to about this. I want to shake this feeling then i can at least focus on school more.

I will write more later, Mother is calling me down for dinner.