The end of 2023

This year has gone by so fast! I blinked swear we just started 2023. With so many things that have happened this year, it’s hard to keep track. Quick recap!

I was officially diagnosed with Heds( Hyper-mobility Elhers Danlos) by the current doctor (I was already diagnosed with EDS bacckkkk when I was 21ish because of my cluster headaches). I had questions about it getting worse since it did seem like i was throwing so many things out. And it can get worse, but for now, I see my amazing chiropractor and my massage therapist when im getting bad or, as my chiro says, going nuclear!

Back in May, we had to evacuate because of the wildfire that jumped the river! So off we went to Tomahawk first (my kids handled it well, my son was up so late watching the cars and trucks pass us. Then, I found a place for the cat to stay (sharon over at Blue House of Treasures was awesome for taking her in). Then we were off to edmonton to stay with my friend jasyn, who opened up his home to us for two weeks. Bit of an adjustment for all of us. But the kids enjoyed it and viewed it as a vacation in a way. Even though I was so stressed out. Jasyn and Mattie were amazing for having us, and ooo the food jasyn cooked helped our souls so much. When we were finally able to come home, it took a bit to get back into the routine. My daughter was happy to be able to go back to school. She missed her teachers and her friends. Unfortunately, it was the last year for Foundations.

As a parent, I appreciate that school so much and those teachers. They helped with the final stages of potty training (we were super closing to it clicking, but they made it all click for her). They made her ready for going 5 days a week at the school she is at. With the final days, we made sure to say bye and got pictures with her teachers!

As summer rolled in, we stuck close to home. We ventured to bearpaw ranch for a bit and o the fun out there to be had! My kids love seeing the animals! My sons favorite is Bella, the pot belly pig. My daughter loves them all. But she does love, say hi to Hercules the horse, sunshine, and zeus the mini horses. It is always fun going out there. The kids can run and enjoy the animals. Plus, seeing Grandma Laurie and Auntie Amanda is a big bonus!

September started, and my girl was so nervous about starting school. We went to a different school. What made it easy is that some of the kiddos from her old school were in her class, too. She loves her teacher, and it took her a little bit to get used to going 5 days a week. She has made new friends and gets upset with me for keeping her at home if she is sick. As the months have moved on, she has learned lots and always positive things from her teacher. Which is nice, i worry a little since she has my sass.

Now, with the end of the year coming to a close. I look back and see 2023 has been a crazy year! Im hoping for more of a quiet 2024. With me continuing to crochet. And i am trying to get back into reading as well. With us having such mild winter at the moment. Pressure headaches hit tad more at the moment. I am currently reading The Bletchley Women, so I hope yo have that one done soon and post a review.

Have a safe 2023 and a wonderful 2024