26 weeks

Well so far the journey with baby two has been very interesting. This one does sit very differently then what my girl did, and the craving have been similar. This one i had something i normally love even though they aren’t super good for you ( pizza pops) and nugget did not like it whats so ever. So actually having foods that i cant eat is pretty different this time. This one sits up front more then my girl so i am carrying very differently then before. I get pretty uncomfy fast and my left hip acts quicker know. I know i am lucky with my job ( i work in a deli at a local store here) the owner and my manager are pretty awesome with be being pregnant and that some days i can move great and get lots done. But other days im moving slower. My manager has been a big help (besides my mom) with answering my silly questions this go round.

She is a mom of 4 kiddos and looks amazing (she is only a few years older then me). She has helped alot and I do keep in the touch specially were i am in my head since I still get some bought of depression (not as bad as before since these seem to by tied with me being super tired or having a pressure headache). Like today for example i got my results back from my midwife for my diabetes test (which came out negative thank goodness, i applaud you ladies who have to the 2 or 3 hr ones). It turns out that my iron levels are just below the normal level, my midwife was asking if i was tired etc. I giggled to myself since its like well yeah, i have a toddler and i get insomnia as well(had it before i got pregnant). i texted my manager (since we are an awesome weeeee family in the deli) just to give her a heads up. I have noticed im tired but again i get pressure headaches and those alone zap me pretty good of energy. Yes i will be getting a supplement since its just easier for me to take. My appetite is super all over the place with food again this week so trying to keep up with iron rich foods might not happen well. I asked my hubs if i seemed run down lately and he said yeah (again dealing with my toddler is so much. Then i had to explain whats up, hes a pretty good nugget about listening and leaving me alone with this pregnancy.

I hope everyone is keeping safe with covid still being around. I did hope it would start opening up more here since my girl is a covid toddler and being around kids help with her development. All i can do is hope for the best in this crazy world. I understand that this dragging on everyone but remember when out dealing with employees either at a hospital, retail or fast food etc be kind. I have had my share of customers being pretty rude to me and others, I don’t need to have your frustration aimed at me when I am doing up a order. We understand that this is stress and dragging. So please be kind it does make a difference in our world. I know i appreciate customers who are pretty level headed and happy etc. Makes our day a little bit easier.