Baby blanket for my niece Anna

just finished this “crib”sized blanket last night about 1130pm. I started working on this one a couple of days before I was due to deliver my daughter. The yarn i picked for the body of the blanket was Bernat baby sport lilac. This yarn I worked with before but in a different color but this yarn is always soft! The trim is Bernat baby softee lavender. I also worked with this yarn before but in a different color. This project took some time to get done since i was also a new mom. The hook I used was 4mm hook from knitpicks.

9 months!

I can’t believe my little honey badger is 9 months know! She has grown up a lot in ways. Specially being independent about eating and feeding herself. That has been a super fun adventure with tasting new foods for her. She doesn’t like chicken at all! It was funny watching her face once she tasted that!

She has began to army crawl! Know the cat and dog have to watch out for those hands that like grab and pull. Being a first time mom can be nerve wrecking specially when it comes to milestones like crawling. I had to remind myself that every baby is different and hit their milestones in their own time.

With all the small daily activities I do with her. I beam when she can do something on her own. like feeding herself, she gets happy being able to do that herself. Sitting up has been a fun adventure for her as well. We have encountered a few falls but she gets right back up!

I know I shouldn’t go crazy excited over these small things but I do since over 2 years ago i couldn’t picture myself going through this. I wasn’t in a great mindset at the time specially since i lost 2 babies before. So know i take every day with my daughter as a blessing. Even when she gets hangry and growls like a honey badger.

Hug your kids tight and love them deeply even when they say you are embarrassing them just brush it off. They will remember the parent loving them and caring for them. I know i do and i can say my dad and mom used to rib me a lot and joke with me. But at the age i was i didn’t not see it that way. I thought it was embarrassing! They still rib me even at my age but know I appreciate it more and laugh about it.

For those who are longing for you baby and didn’t get a chance to meet them for one reason or another. Your time being a parent will happen. in a way you wouldn’t expect. I know some people don’t like hearing that but it will. Don’t close your heart and your mind to any avenue of being a parent. If that means looking to invitro or adoption. Look and ask questions and see if its right for you! Don’t give up on the hope you have!

I know this was supposed be a 9 month milestone post but it has become a combo post. I hope this has helped someone see that things are possible.

Have a great rest of your week everyone!

Book Review of Goldfinger by Ian Fleming

This one started out like the movie with a few details that are different. You learn more of Goldfinger’s backstory. And that was interesting since i never really pictured it before. How he made his millions was interesting definitely reminded me of Capone and the mafia i a way.

We are introduced to Miss galore of course but her roll in the plot is different then the movie. I like her roll more in the book then the movie. While she is shown as a strong woman. figure in the movie. You get more of it in the book. You also learn some of her backstory but i would have liked just a tad bit more.

Oddjob is how he is in the movie but a little bit different as well. I do wish there was more info on him then what was given. He is strong character and you don’t get the chance to see more of him.

The scenery was lovely to see in your minds eye. You get the chance to go to other place without leaving your home!

I won’t spill anymore without ruining the book for you.

Rating 4.5/5

Book Review of From Russia with Love by Ian Fleming

I was expecting this book to be completely different like the one i read. It did start very different which was nice since you learned more of Grants back story. It wasn’t what i thought it. It was nice and different for sure. You also learned Tatian’s back story some as well.

The stage was set as it was in the movie which defiently refreshing. We learn more about SMERSH some as well. It was a mystery to me for some time but this book kinda clears it up. We also learn more about Rosa Klebb as well. She was tad but of a mystery to since they movie never really explored her really. It was neat getting a peak into her mind and how it works. I won’t spill to much more without giving way the story.

Go out and give this book a read!

Rating: 5/5

Halloween painting

This is was a super fun art piece my daughter and I did. I came across similar painting in one of my mom groups I am part of on facebook. I thought it super easy to do and looked like a lot of fun. I did do it different then what i saw but that’s the fun part of seeing art.

So i used acrylic paint for the whole thing and this was a two day process since I did the background all black. Acrylic does dry fast but not fast enough for how many layers i did to make sure the whole thing was black. We did the ghosts first (her feet) I did a mix of a metallic green and white (i didn’t want to do white ghosts). My daughter giggled when I was painting her feet and that was honestly the hardest part of this whole process. She loves to moves her feet and wiggle her toes. Next onto the pumpkin we just used a basic orange amd then she had a hoot with her bum being painted (no accidents score)! She did laugh at this one to since it kinda tickled her. But we had a quick bath as everything dried and that for her was the best part.

I used a brown for the steam and i used the same mix of metallic green, a darker green and white together to do the vines and leaves I went over them twice to make sure the color was just right. Then we dated all the canvases with the same mixture.

I am super happy with the outcome of this project since this was all my daughters work. I just added the finishing touches to it. These 3 canvases were for my mom n dad, my in laws and my sister n brother in law. I have been asked if i will be doing one for our house. And I will but it might take longer since i want to use oil paint on the background and that does take several days to dry.

I will posts more art pics as i go along and any parents out there have any crafts projects that have been a great bonding moment for you and your children?

Book Review of Moonraker by Ian Fleming

I thought this one would be like the movie since some of the other james bond books have been. Nope not at all which is nice! Its very very different in a lot of way. Yes we do have moonraker the rocket of course of the story around it is great! We get to know Sir hugo’s back story which wasn’t really touched on in the movie. It was refreshing and it made you feel for him! But guess again there is a plot twist! I spill on what it is since that will ruin for you.

The story reads like a wave in a sense its a little lulled for a bit then bam you get hit with some exciting scenes! It easily keeps you pulled in. We also see some James skills at cards (all thought we all know he is a terrific card player) but we see his methods for breaking Sir Hugo at bridge.

We also meet Gala Brand who seems like a no nonsense person. We don’t learn to much of her back story but we do learn more about her career and how she was placed with Drax. I was rooting for her and james but of course there is a twist and you feel yourself going dam!

So my followers i won’t be spilling anymore over the plot of this book and ruin it for you! Go check this book out and go for the ride it gives you.

Rating 5/5