Mom Life.

Feb 10-19I

I know i haven’t been writing anything for the past few months, but as many of you know I was expecting a little girl. Well that was a fun roller coaster ride waiting for her to come into this world. I got a mucus sweep done like a day  or two before our due date. Well nothing happened! I only dilated a additional .5cm I was so chocked! I had really built it up in my head a lot about what was going to happen after the sweep. So talked to my OB the following Monday and i was booked for a induction (5 days late at that point). Day of the induction comes i was a bundle of nerves in a way. I was excited knowing baby girl was coming but also a little nervous since I didn’t know what to expect from the cervidal. Once i had the contractions started dull then picked up speed hardcore through out the day. I was very tired since they felt like 20! but once the cerivdal was removed then the pop of water i knew she was coming. 4 hours later in the birthing room my little was here. I guess she came out swinging and ready to take on the world. A lot of feeling went through me once i held her. I was happy to the moon and back that she was here, lots of love pouring from my heart, and happy tears a lot came.

People ask me how she is sleeping, feeding etc ( which are normal questions I think) well i tell she sleeps good at night from 2-4 hrs ( i know I’m very lucky that she sleeps like this). The same with breastfeeding she latches well and i have a good supply ( again I’m lucky). I also take it one day at a time with her since she is always keeping me on my toes! Fighting sleep is big one during the day since she wants to stay awake to see whats going on. I also take the small victories as huge wins for example for the first week of her birth she did not want to sleep in her crib at night. But would sleep in it during the day for a hour or so, I took those wins and kept telling myself she will sleep in her crib at night but it will just take a little time. well fast forward  to know and she sleeps fine in her crib at night. I found it is all about the small wins and dont get discouraged!

I know my little girl will be keeping me on my toes for years to come but for know i am savoring the time i have with her before she starts wanting to hang out with her friends more then with us.